ADG Solutions

Davis-Standard Wide Mouth

Wide Mouth Plastic Regrind Extruder

Higher outputs per RPM for granulated chip, flake, and other irregular medium bulk density materials in an oversized throat.

The Davis-Standard / Merritt Wide Mouth Extruder features an oversized tangential feed throat that forms a pocket into which medium bulk density materials can flow for plastic regrind. This allows the feed screw to take an aggressive bite and consistently feed the material at rates comparable to pellet feed. The feed throat is water cooled and grooved to provide higher plastic regrind outputs per RPM.

  • Extruder diameters from 2.5” (63mm) to 12” (304mm)
  • Extruder L/Ds range from 24:1 to 50:1
  • Barrels are air or water cooled
  • Aggressive venting design for high volatile levels (degassing)
  • Plastic regrind outputs are comparable to pellet fed extruders of similar diameter and length

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  • Extruder diameters from 2.5” (63mm) to 12” (304mm)
  • Extruder L/D’s range from 24:1 to 50:1
  • Barrels are air or water cooled (see inset)
  • Aggressive venting design for high volatile levels (degassing)
  • Plastic Regrind outputs comparable to pellet fed extruders of similar diameter and length

No Worries Customer Service — 24/7/365

ADG Solutions provides extensive knowledge and experience to properly size Davis-Standard extruders’ L/D to the feedstock and the process to maximize your output. We design for your needs today and for years to come.